
Torrent cracked games
Torrent cracked games

torrent cracked games torrent cracked games

I wouldn't recommend trying to modify your steam version of the game, since future updates could break those modifications. Even mentioning torrents is disrespectful to the devs, imo.

torrent cracked games

Maybe the internet requirement is some kind of placeholder system to make the current gameplay run as it does.Ī Fat Chimp a écrit :You can find torrents via google. If the game relies on internet to run i would assume you can't just change some files and get it to work, it sounds like something that would require alot of work from the developer before it runs fine offline. What little it mentions at the 'network' section of system requirements really isn't enough information. Despite the fact that internet downtime is very rare in modern countries (doubt you can call the US a modern country in that regard, oh the internet horror stories and terrible ISP's they've got). I dont want to run the risk of not being able to play the game just because my internet's down, heck, i might want to play it BECUASE it's down. Though being hopeful, i'd imagine the need for internet get dummied out eventually (for singleplayer), if not then that would be a INCREDIBILY bad way to treat your customers. Nowhere did the store page list the need for internet to simply play offline, is it the horrendous kind where the game crashes if internet goes down or the intolerable version where it needs internet to boot up? Because if it's always-online DRM, then that is utterly atrocious, deceptive, and not explained well enough to the customers before they bought the game.

Torrent cracked games